Magnetic Termite Mounds
One of Litchfield National Park’s most impressive sights is the hundreds of Magnetic Termite mounds standing up to two metres high on a wide flat plain.
Up to 100 years old, these structures are unique to the northern parts of Australia, including Litchfield National Park. Stroll along the boardwalk and marvel at these enormous magnetic compasses, with their thin edges pointing north-south and broad backs facing east-west. This aspect thermo-regulates the mounds for the magnetic termites inside, who prefer high humidity and stable temperatures.
Learn about these mounds and the larger Cathedral Termite mounds nearby at an information shelter that provides a fascinating insight into these remarkable creatures and their habitat. A viewing area with accessible boardwalks has been constructed just off Litchfield Park Road in the northern area of the Park, 120 kilometres south of Darwin. Make use of the boardwalk access to get close to the two metre-high, thin Magnetic Termite mounds, and taller four metre high Cathedral Termite mounds.
You will see mounds belonging to numerous termite species as you explore the NT, but Litchfield National Park provides the perfect place to learn about these two eye-catching specimens.